Contro il terrorismo islamico e la violenza sulle donne
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Come donne del Medio Oriente, ci uniamo contro la minaccia globale del terrorismo della Repubblica islamica dell’Iran e di tutti i suoi delegati. È questo stesso terrore che sta mietendo vittime tra le donne israeliane e iraniane e che sta portando alla morte anche le donne palestinesi di Gaza. La totale mancanza di rispetto per la vita innocente è stata dimostrata dalla Repubblica islamica dell’Iran fin dal 1979 e ora viene esportata in tutto il Medio Oriente.
Nella Repubblica islamica, le donne iraniane, comprese alcune delle sottoscritte, hanno sperimentato in prima persona il terrore della polizia morale. Abbiamo assistito per decenni al rapimento, all’aggressione e all’omicidio di donne e ragazze iraniane, compreso il gasaggio di migliaia di studentesse iraniane per mettere a tacere il dissenso e l’omicidio di Mahsa Amini, Nika Shakarami, Armita Gerawand, da parte del regime in Iran.
Abbiamo visto il regime riutilizzare ambulanze, scuole e persino siti religiosi come strumenti per le sue attività terroristiche. Abbiamo visto come il regime sottragga risorse al popolo iraniano per esportarle ai delegati del terrore in Medio Oriente.
In Israele, il 7 ottobre scorso, Hamas, per conto del regime islamico, ha documentato la brutalizzazione, il rapimento e l’uccisione di donne e ragazze israeliane e ha trascinato i corpi delle vittime per le strade di Gaza per festeggiare. Una delle vittime era l’iraniana-israeliana Shirel Haeimpour.
Hamas ha anche bloccato i corridoi umanitari per i cittadini di Gaza, impedendo ai palestinesi di mettersi in salvo, ha usato le ambulanze per attività terroristiche e ha rubato carburante, elettricità, acqua e aiuti umanitari alla popolazione di Gaza. Le tattiche di Hamas e quelle della Repubblica islamica dell’Iran sono le stesse, perché è la Repubblica islamica a finanziare, addestrare e sostenere Hamas con 100 milioni di dollari all’anno.
L’odio, la misoginia, i crimini sessuali come metodo e il disprezzo per la vita umana colpiscono in modo sproporzionato le donne e i bambini, ed è per questo che la richiesta di libertà del popolo iraniano è anche una richiesta di libertà per l’intera regione.
Come donne del Medio Oriente, non resteremo in silenzio di fronte a questo male.
Chiediamo ai leader mondiali di:
Riconoscere e condannare i legami tra Hamas e la Repubblica islamica dell’Iran.
Designare l’IRGC (Corpo delle guardie della rivoluzione islamica) come organizzazione terroristica e prendere provvedimenti contro le sue attività.
Per Mahsa, per Nika, per Armita, per Shirel. Per le donne dell’Iran, di Israele e di Gaza:
Donne, Vita, Libertà.
(qui di seguito il testo originale con tutti i nomi dei firmatari)
As women of the Middle East, we stand united against the global threat of terrorism of the
Islamic Republic of Iran and all its proxies. It is this same terror that is claiming the lives of
Israeli women, Iranian women, and is leading to the deaths of Palestinian women in Gaza as
well.The complete lack of regard for innocent life has been demonstrated by the Islamic
Republic of Iran since 1979, and is now being exported throughout the Middle East. In the
Islamic Republic, Iranian women, including some of the undersigned names, have
experienced the terror of the morality police first hand. We have seen the kidnapping,
assault, and murder of Iranian women and girls for decades, including the gassing of
thousands of Iranian school girls to silence dissent, and the murder of Mahsa Amini, Nika
Shakarami, Armita Gerawand, by the regime in Iran.
We have witnessed the regime repurposing ambulances, schools, and even religious sites as
tools for their terrorist activities. We have seen how the regime steals resources from the
Iranian people and exports them to terror proxies in the Middle East.
In Israel, Islamic regime proxy Hamas documented themselves brutalizing, kidnapping, and
murdering Israeli women and girls on October 7th, and dragged the bodies of victims
through the streets of Gaza in celebration. One of the victims was Iranian-Israeli Shirel
Haeimpour. Hamas has also blocked humanitarian corridors for the Gazans, preventing
Palestinians from exiting to safety, has used ambulances for terrorist activities, and has
stolen fuel, electricity, water, and humanitarian aid from the people of Gaza.The tactics of
Hamas and the tactics of the Islamic Republic of Iran are the same, because it is the Islamic
Republic which funds, trains, and supports Hamas with $100 million dollars per year. The
hatred, misogyny, sexual crimes as a method, and disregard for human life
disproportionately impacts women and children, which is why the call for freedom from the
Iranian people, is also a call for freedom through the entire region. As women of the Middle
East, we will not be silent in the face of such evil.
We call on world leaders to:
Acknowledge and condemn the links between Hamas and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization and take action against their activities.
For Mahsa, for Nika, for Armita, for Shirel. For the women of Iran, Israel, and Gaza:
Women, Life, Freedom.
Maryam Banihashemi, Strategy Advisor and Human Rights Activist, Iranian
Emily Schrader, Journalist, Israeli
Nazanin Afshin-Jam MacKay, Human Rights Advocate and Co-Founder Stop Child Executions
and Founding member Iranian Justice Collective, Iranian
Nada Higuera, Civil Rights Lawyer, Palestinian
Natalie Sanandaji, Survivor of Oct. 7th Massacre and Combat Antisemitism Movement Staff
Member, Israeli
MPP Goldie Ghamari, Canadian MPP, Iranian
Elaaheh Jamali aka LilyMoo, Human Rights Activist, Iranian
Lisa Daftari, Journalist, Iranian
Dr Nargess Eskandari- Grünberg, Mayor of Frankfurt am Main, Iranian
Muqadasa Ahmadzai, social activist politician and poet, Afghanistan
Shiva Negar, Actress and Human Rights Advocate, Iranian
Liraz Charhi, Singer, Israeli-Iranian
MP Daya Safaei, Iranian
Shirin Taber, Executive Director of Empower Women Media, Iranian
Gadeer Kamal Mreeh, Senior Envoy of The Jewish Agency for Israel to Washington D.C.,
Marziyeh Amirizadeh, Author, Speaker, Religious Freedom Activist and former Iranian
political prisoner, Iranian
Dalia Al-Aqidi, Journalist and Congressional Candidate, Iraqi
Rasha Alahdab, Human Right Defender, Former member of the Syrian National Council,
Ahdeya Ahmed Al Sayed, Former President of the Bahrain Journalists Association, Bahraini
Ensaf Heidar, Human Rights Activist, Saudi Arabian
Dalia Zaida, Writer and Activist, Egyptian
Yasmine Mohammed, President of Free Hearts Free Minds, Egyptian
Norah Al Awaidi, Peace Activist, Emirati
Shirin Tabari, Political Scientist and Journalist, Iranian
Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Israeli
Sarai Idan, Miss Iraq, Human Rights Activist and Congressional Candidate, Iraqi
Orin Julie, Entrepreneur, Israeli
Dr. Sheila Nazarian, Plastic Surgeon, Iranian
Kylie Moore-Gilbert, Former prisoner of the Islamic Republic in Evin prison
Nitsana Darshan Leitner, CEO of Shurat Hadin, Israeli
Lorena Khateeb, Druze Activist and Former Content Manager for Israel in Arabic, Israeli
Hayvi Bouzo, Journalist and Co-Founder and Host of ‘Yalla’, Syrian
Maria Maloof, Journalist, Lebanese
Mahsa Pirayi, Activist, Iranian
Mahsa Townsend, Activist, Iranian
Arezo Rashidian, Iranian American Activist, Iranian
Zara-Forouq Kanaani, Researcher and Human Rights Activist, Iranian
Ruth Wasserman-Lande, Former MK and Chair of the Parliamentary Caucus for the Abraham
Accords, Israeli
Mandana Dayani, Lawyer and Co-founder of ‘I am a voter’, Iranian
Dr. Sona Kazemi, Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Iranian
Banafsheh Zand, Journalist & Activist, Iranian
India Naftali, Journalist, Israeli
Catherine Perez Shakdam, Director Forward Strategy Ltd, French-Tunisian
Shoshannah Keats-Jaskoll, Director and Cofounder of Chochmat Nashim, Israeli
Zina Rakhamilova, COO Social Lite Creative and Journalist, Israeli
Becca Wertman-Traub, Director of Research at CIJA, Israeli
Saah Raviani, Human Rights Activist, Iranian
Dr. Efrat Gold, Postdoctoral fellow at University of Buffalo, Israeli
Sana Ebrahimi, Human Rights Activist, Iranian
Maryam Blumenthal, Iranian-German Politician and Leader of Green Party Hamburg, Iranian
Arielle Mokhtarzadeh, Activist, Iranian
Ashira Solomon, political commentator, Israeli
Vivian Bercovici, Writer and Former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, Israeli
Rolene Marks, World WIZO Head of Public Diplomacy, Israeli
Ysabella Hassan, Lawyer and Activist, Jewish-Moroccan
Ellie Cohanim, Former US Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, Iranian
Nataly Dadon, Influencer and Pro-Israel activist, Israeli
Carrine Bassili, Christian Singer, Lebanese
Michelle Rojas-Tal, Israeli educator, Israeli
Ateret Shmuel, Director of Indigenous Bridges, Israel
Donna vita libertà!